Feb 16, 2009

My reasons, your excuses

In a conversation with someone, I blurted out (virtually) these words,

"Take all my reasons and make them your excuses."

Not bad eh? Sound like lyrics from a song, or a line from a movie. Or a poem maybe.

Alright. Syok-sendiri-moment for the day has ended. Time to get back to work!

2 point(s) of view:

Kenny Chan said...

Sound really cool.
Can c it in a song or movie now..
how did u come out with that anyways?

mmelodia said...

well, my work friend asked me why my colleagues didn't bring me along to his CNY party, and i stated the probable reason.

Then he said he actually forgot about me and started giving me his 'excuses' lah..

oh well. it sparked a moment of inspiration. to me at least.