Jun 20, 2009


The typical lifespan of a human being is, according to the Bible, 70 years.

3 scores and 10, to be exact. Or 80, "if your strength endures". (Psalm 90:10)

Most believe that anything more than that is a bonus.

In most poetry, our lives are generally divided into four seasons i.e. Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Divide 70 by 4, you get 17.5 years.

Makes sense, cos Spring is when plants grow and flowers bloom. We grow the most physically and mentally, having to go to school, learn and soak up knowledge most of that 17.5 years.

I've passed that season years ago, and you could say that I'm in the middle of my "Summertime" now. Wheee....

Mental image of Summer - think fun in the sun, think loads of activites, think summer camps, think summer dresses, think summer love, think summer jobs, think summer vacations.
  • fun in the sun - it's always hot in Malaysia. fun? yeah, most times, I'm having fun.
  • loads of activities - aplenty, enough to keep me busy.
  • summer camps - we've got one coming up real soon! check it out on facebook.
  • summer dresses - I'm not so much a dress person, but got dresses also lah.
  • summer love - =), not yet. (methinks the folks are a little worried, =D at most. and I'd be lying if I said I didn't care.)
  • summer jobs - well, not exactly a summer job, but yeah, I've got a job. enjoying it too.
  • summer vacations - ada juga. I've been really blessed to be able to visit quite a few places in the past 2 years.

Yup, I'm living the summer season of my life. There've been a couple of hiccups along the way, but so far, I'm lovin' it!

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