Nov 25, 2009

What does it mean to be a man?

"A man is defined by what he produces and not what he consumes."

Watch and you'll understand the line above.

[You can watch this in HD, go to this YouTube link]

"You wanna marry a guy you want to have babies with, you don't want to marry a guy who's a baby."

"Guys don't take initiative cuz Christian guys don't want to fail, and if they don't try they can't fail, and by definition, that's a failure."

"John (the Baptist) shows us what a real man is. He's filled with the spirit, he humbly prepares the way for Jesus, he's an evangelist who makes it his life's work to introduce others to Jesus. He's a man who, ultimately, is a giver, not a taker. He's a producer, not a consumer."

"You want to be creators and cultivators. If you want to image God, God as a creator and a cultivator:
you create a marriage and you cultivate that woman;
you create a child with her and you cultivate that child;
you create a new family legacy for generations and you cultivate it;
you create a business and you cultivate it;
you create a ministry and you cultivate it.

Want to be a man? You're a creator and a cultivator.

You're a producer, not a consumer. You're a giver, not a taker. You bring life, not death. You're not looking for the path with least resistance, you're looking for the path of greatest glory to God."


1 point(s) of view:

Joel Vergis said...

Hey....AWESOME stuff!!! I think all guys shud check it true, yet we're all sooooo far from it....haihhh....