Oct 2, 2008

It's pink, cute and not mine

I've got a new toy.

*giggle* It was lent to me.

It's the only reason why i've been blogging more often, and also the reason why i can be on msn after office hours.

It's really really cute. And it's pink. (reiterating the title for emphasis)

This baby is as thick as a textbook, and a little bigger than an exercise book, and DEFINITELY lighter than a dictionary.

Yes, it's a mini-notebook a.k.a netbook a.k.a ultra-mobile PC. Call it what you want, I LOVE IT!

The keyboard is smaller than the usual size, but look i'm typing just *backspace-backspace* fine, aren't i?

It's kinda like a Starbucks-laptop. You know, the laptop that you'd use to surf the Internet while you sip your hazelnut-latte. It's my TV-laptop. I use it to go online while i watch TV in the living room. This is the laptop you'd proudly take out and show off to your friends (i've done that already), cos it's small, cute, light and so easy to handle.

Sure, the screen may be a wee bit small, but it's sufficient for me to go online and check my facebook, check my mail, chat on msn, and blog.

The cute and pink MSI Wind U100

So, because of this, i'm happy. =D

Now, i need to do something about my blog design...

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